Jim DeSalvo Tribute

A Tribute to Jim DeSalvo

Friends, family, and the music world at large sadly lost hometown success and true friend, Jim DeSalvo, on September 23, after succumbing to injuries he sustained on September 12, when a wheel blew and detached from a dump truck, hitting DeSalvo while he was riding his bike nearby, in what was a bizarre and tragic accident.

Known to almost all who knew him as “Bean,” DeSalvo was a producer and engineer who began his career as an assistant for the rock group, Trixter. He would go on to work with some of the biggest names in popular music, such as Jon Anderson of Yes, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels, as well as producing and engineering recordings for the jazz label Unseen Rain, which he co-founded with his brother Jack.

The Aquarian mourns the loss of Jim “Bean” DeSalvo, along with countless others who took time to share some of their greatest memories of Bean. 

RIP Jim. You will be missed

The Aquarian

“It is clear that Jim was always close to music in some way, but it was always with the people to whom he was closest. Whether that was Trixter in the early days, or Unseen Rain, the record label he co-created with me and our friend Gene Gaudette. His greatest accomplishment, outside of being a wonderful father, was his development as a world-class innovative recording engineer. Many of his remarkable recordings for our jazz label received as many accolades from critics as the music itself. This is his gift to the wider world of music and sound.”

—Jack DeSalvo


“Bean was the silent 5th member of Trixter. The biggest in height and the biggest in character. From issuing nicknames, to funny sayings and observations, he was the go-to guy for all of it. Not only responsible for our comedic relief but also became part of our production team later on, mastering Trixter’s last few releases as well as other projects we were doing. To say he will be missed on many levels is an understatement. My inner-circle lost a giant, and it once again reminds me how precious every day is.”

— PJ Farley, Trixter

 “The Bean: the larger than life, funniest man I’ve ever had the pleasure to call a friend. So many adventures we shared over the years; just a bunch of teenagers that got to experience firsthand the things people only dream about. We created a bond, a true brotherhood that no could fuck with. He will truly be missed but always remembered.”

—Chris Farinas, Publisher of The Aquarian Weekly

“I loved the experience of meeting and working with Jim. Jim D. was passionate about music and people! His love for music is only surpassed by his love and respect for people! Talking about music was just as fun as working on actual songs with him. He was calm cool and collected but a beast in the studio. His smile and enthusiasm for life is empowering. It’ll stay with us forever!”

 —Daryl “DMC” McDaniels 

“To sum up Jim (Bean) DeSalvo:

A powerful presence in any room or club….

He would bring laughter to any situation with his unmistakable voice and delivery….

On many occasions his description of the smallest thing could bring the biggest laughs….

He will be missed.”

—Maz, guitarist SS Steele, Straight Face, 40 Ft. Ringo, Ted Poley Band, Billy Monroe & The Soul Survivors

“To me, these guys would not only be my lifelong friends, but a band called Trixter. Bean had forged a circle of friends together through the gift of music and his charismatic nature. Throughout the years we formed a band, Max’s Rip Lounge. We created songs, laughter, and the best of friendships throughout 30 years. Because of Bean, and music, this circle of friendship throughout the years has grown from Sam Goody to a sold out Stadium. This is a tremendous loss to our circle shaped by Jim, The Bean. Forever in our hearts, embedded in our Soul.”

—Gil Hidalgo

“My first memories of meeting Jimmy was at the Paramus Pool. The band was playing that Saturday afternoon and Jimmy came with flyers they printed at the high school to hand out. It said J.D. Productions at the bottom and in a cartoon style font, TRIXTER. Jim introduced himself as their manager. Clearly he was involved. It was personal for Jim. Everything he did was personal. He took pride in his friends and his work. In the studio, Jim was a big help. He assisted me in running wires and mic set-up and pre-production drills for the band. He loved it! We were using a 24-channel Kelsey board to record with. He wanted to learn what all the buttons and knobs did. By the end of the summer, he did. Honestly, I took to Jim the moment I met him. Our friendship flourished as we continued to take our music out of the basement and into the world of lasting memories! Usually at our epic parties he was the maître d’ of the evening. He was always there for us. It was only fitting I was present to walk him to his final resting place.”

— John Crisci

“As we all get older, we have to face facts that some of our friends and family will be leaving us as they go to that great wide open. It’s an unfortunate fact of life, and while we never know who, it happens and we all have to deal with it. But when it’s so sudden and so senseless and tragic, that’s something that’s tough for anyone to process, especially when it’s those things and more. That’s what happened with JD, “The Bean,” Jim DeSalvo. I’ve lost many friends unfortunately over the years and sadly, more than a few recently, but when I first heard the news of JD’s tragic accident and later his passing, man, it hit hard. We were never best friends, but we were friends. Had it been a bunch of years since we spoke? Yeah. Can’t change that now. But, with all of us who kinda “grew up” together during those China Club, Studio One, Trixter, Paramus, WSOU, late-night diner days, we were a brotherhood. Any given night, there would be more than a few of us hanging out somewhere, and any one of us would be there for the next, no matter how long it had been since we hung out or didn’t. I regret those missed years now, but there’s nothing that can be done. What can be done, though, is cherish those years we did get to hang. Bean was always someone who had a smile on his face, and was a pleasure to be around. One of the recent tributes on social media had a picture of a group and JD was front and center… and the caption summed it up best, “Great energy attracts great energy.” To Jim’s wife, children, parents, brother, friends close and distant, colleagues, and everyone who knew him, I can’t even begin to express my deepest sympathies and thoughts with you all. But, I know that sadness that turns into happiness as you remember him for the great man he was, and live life just like he did. Loving it, and those around him. RIP JD.”

—Dan Davis

“[When] I first meet JD we were young, over 25 years ago, and we all ran in the same circle with the Trixter guys. As time moved on we all remained friends. JD was always the consummate ballbuster—like we all were—and even gave some of us our nicknames. We always hung out as a group together, going to shows, parties, and to our favorite dinner in Paramus. JD was always there if you needed to talk to someone and a loyal friend. As we grew up, some of us moved away from N.J. and moved on with families. Sometimes, we would not talk for years, but when we did it was like no time had past at all, still telling the same jokes and breaking each other’s balls. 

Jim and I reconnected about a year ago, and we picked up right where we left off. That is what true friendship is. JD was slated to be a producer for an artist I manage and we had some good songs in the works. Jim had a passion for music and for teaching music, he had a way of finding a song that suits the artist and helping that artist open up and try something new. 

Jim will always be dear to my heart and I will always remember him as a gentle man with a huge heart.

R.I.P Bean…. Until we see each other again.”

—Daniel ONeil, ITK Entertainment

A Tribute to Jim DeSalvo


Jim DeSalvo has been audio CD mastering, Pro Tools HD 12 recording, mixing, producing and writing hits for almost 35 years in Wayne New Jersey, near NYC. This is Belgian singing sensation and Absolute P Entertainment artist Shane Hendrix’s new video which went #1 on Spotify! We received another iTunes number one charting song in Belgium for Ian Thomas who is also an Absolute P Entertainment artist! Check it out! Ian Thomas Rain Jim engineered and co-produced an 18 minute opus for 35 million worldwide selling artist Jon Anderson the voice of Yes. Check out Jon Anderson. His astro-stellar voice through these speakers would floor you. Unseen Rain Records has Jim mixing, mastering, recording and producing high definition “HD” downloads of jazz and improvised music by contemporary innovators. UR is focused on high production values and recognizes the entire process surrounding a recording as art. Check out the UR Bandcamp site UNSEEN RAIN Records Bandcamp Jim and STATiC have completed a new track with the King of Rock Darryl “DMC” McDaniels check out his comic book empire! We’d like to thank the German wizards, Zynaptiq who are located in Hannover Germany. Zynaptiq creates technology and applications for processing, analyzing, categorizing and generating audio-visual data. We would love to thank Blue Microphones, Presonus, Avid, iZotope, Steven Slate Digital and Focusrite, for their complete hardware and software support, generosity and friendship! Jim DeSalvo uses his Avid Pro Tools HD 12 Omni, HD IO 16×16 Native Thunderbolt rig here with Presonus Studio One 4 and every single amazing audio processor Universal Audio makes at Beanstudio CD & Audio Mastering, NJ USA. Here are two reviews for records Jim has engineered, produced and mastered; Audiophile Audition says: “DeSalvo gives the material a lissome quality: the recording has a live feel but also a subtle characteristic, not as noisy as like-minded projects..” “Jim (DeSalvo) is the engineer, and Jim’s capture of everything is arresting: clear, lucid, adroitly attuned to shifting focal depths, never at a loss, providing everything this work needed to entablature itself with zero ambivalence.” Mark Tucker

BEANSTUDIO is the laboratory where Unseen Rain recordings are mixed and mastered in 24/88 by engineer Jim DeSalvo. A number of UR projects are recorded at Beanstudio as well.

Visit beanstudio.com