Fulminate Trio

FULMINATE:|ˈfo͝olməˌnāt, ˈfəl-|
verb [ no obj. ] to express vehement protest; to explode violently or flash like lightning; sudden onset

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Fulminate Trio: Ken Filiano, Michael Evans, Anders Nilsson


“The NYC downtown sound comes full circle and is re-founded with the Unseen Rain Records release of “Triangulation” by The Fulminate Trio. The ensemble unites the strongest improvisational talents in this creative music which bridges free jazz to new composition and repels genre classification. ANDERS NILSSON’s deeply emotive and astonishingly agile guitar excursions burst into the masterful and thoroughly commanding upright bass of KEN FILIANO as MICHAEL EVANS’ anarchistic drums and percussion encircle the foray, claiming a world of daring, new sounds. This, if nothing else, is a music of the moment, one dedicated in raw emotion to the times in which we live.” Jazz Quad


“All I can say is – wow! This is a most impressive trio offering that appears to defy categorization and remain engaging throughout.” Downtown Music Gallery


“This daring trio of drummer Michael Evans, guitarist Anders Nilsson and in-demand free-jazz bassist Ken Filiano operates on a delicate, acute listening dynamic for half of this experimental ECM-ish program (particularly on Carla Bley’s ‘Floater’ and Nilsson’s ambient ‘Sound Fear’). But they are also capable of exploding with rock-fueled dissonance and bombast, as on Evans’ ‘Road Runner’. Filiano, a deep-toned anchor on upright, contributes extraordinary arco work throughout, while Evans shines in rubato situations, a la Paul Motian. And Nilsson is steeped in the renegade six-string tradition of Bill Frisell, David Torn, Terje Rypdal and Fred Frith.” Bill Milkowski


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